Saturday, May 24, 2008

Just checking in..... let you know I'm still alive! Knitting has been very s-l-o-w for me lately so I don't have much to report. I haven't been knitting 5 days a week per my resolutions, maybe 2-3 times per week. I've been so tired at night!

I finished the body of the messenger bag. I made a few mistakes on the cables in the first 10 rows or so but they look good after that.

The flap of the bag will actually be as wide as the bag - I just can't pull it out full-size for the picture otherwise it will come off the needles!

I don't like the cable needle I have. This is the only one they had at my LYS when I went to buy it. I had a hard time knitting from it. I thought it would be easier.

I have to make the I-cord handle and then felt it. I still haven't felted my Sophie bag!

I'm almost finished with the ballband dishcloth, just have to bind off and weave in the ends. I think I started it last year! so it's about time I get this thing done.

Sorry to be so boring!

I apologize for my pictures - my camera isn't that great and I don't have a lot of time to set up for pics - I just put a towel down, took the pics, and uploaded them. :-)


Chris said...

Pics and projects both look great. Can't wait to see the bag felted.

Eileen said...

The messenger bag looks great! What pattern are you using?

I never tried that type of cable needle--and now I never will!

wildflower38 said...

The messenger bag looks great! Thanks for the cable needle tip.

L. said...

I've been doing a bit with cables, and I haven't used my cable needles that I have 'cause they're kinda funny shaped, but I just use a double-pointed needle instead. Maybe try that??