Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just a little while longer....

WOW, I haven't posted in over a month. I promise to update soon.

I have been tossing around deleting all my blogs. But I can't quite bring myself to end them either. I just don't have the time/energy/ambition to post much of the time. Things are going on in my personal life (the biggest one is my dad is ill) and with 2 active little girls and a teenager in his final year of (homeschooled) high school with college decisions being made, I just can't seem to do more than read other people's blogs. I don't think I have that many readers either, but if you're out there, please stick around! I really don't want to only talk to myself. :-) So anyway it remains up in the air what I'll end up doing. I will post an update here sooner or later.

Fyi, the Tidal Wave socks are done. :-)


jessica said...

Oh I do hope you stay around, I've got you on my bloglines so even if it is few and far between, I love catchung up with you:O)

I also feel like blogging is a de-stresser, I love it and don't know what I'd do with out it!take care!

Anonymous said...

I check your posts here too! Hang around.

Ruth said...

I'm right up there with you with having a graduating homeschooler and college decisions---we can commiserate together. :-)

Congrats on getting the Tidal Waves done. I'm going to try that pattern one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I loved your comment on the podcast. Hilarious - you're the first who says she skips the tales! Works for me, though - I'm glad you found something to enjoy in it. Love the pic of your Westie, too, BTW - have had 'em and love 'em.


Chris said...

Hang around please Eileen. I have loved getting to know you. A post every coupla months is better than no post at all. And I agree with jessica--blogging is a great distresser

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your dad is sick. My mother is also ill and I now that it is not at all easy. Will keep you in my thoughts.